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Ofsted Good Rating

Transition in to Year 7

To make sure that students settle into academy life we have a comprehensive transition and induction package for each child.

We are extremely proud of the strong partnerships we have built with our local primary schools and firmly believe that transition is fundamental to a happy and successful journey at The Sutton Academy. Our partner primary programme provides children from Year 3 through to Year 6, with an opportunity to experience and enjoy lessons in our academy. From cooking in our catering rooms to undertaking science experiments in our labs and leading drama performances in our Arts Centre, we believe it is important for our primary children to gain an insight into our academy life.

Our dedicated transition team work closely with our local primary schools to ensure our Year 6 transition programme is as smooth and exciting as possible. We begin our welcome visits at Easter, sharing an overview of transition events, handing out our welcome packs and providing students with an opportunity to ask any questions to our pastoral team.

Children are invited to take part in 3 induction days in early July. These days allow students to meet their form group, begin to familiarise themselves with our academy site and experience a typical academy day. We know our induction days ensure children and parents feel comfortable and confident about their move to The Sutton Academy.

What Parents Can Do To Help