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Report Bullying and Abuse

Please report any bullying and abuse issues by clicking on the following link:

How to report bullying and abuse?

Bullying and abuse can be reported verbally (in person or over the phone) to any member of staff. Students can also approach our Anti Bullying ambassadors/Peer Mentor team at any point during break and lunch. These are students in Year 11 and Year 12 who will then make sure the appropriate staff member is informed. There is also a Report Bullying and Abuse email address above for students or parents to copy and contact the Academy directly. Emails are automatically sent to the Principal Mr P Willerton, Ms Medare (Assistant Principal) and Mr Harker (Vice Principal).

How does the Academy deal with this?

The Academy will deal with incident of bullying and abuse incredibly seriously. We understand that students aren’t always aware of what impact their actions are having on others. Any accusations of bullying and abuse will be recorded and all students involved spoken to as well as parents. Depending on the nature of the bullying and abuse a range of consequences may be considered.

If the bullying and abuse was to continue at this point – this becomes serious bullying and abuse as the actions are continuing despite the fact that the students know the impact they are having. This now becomes a serious consequence in the Academy which may result in permanent exclusion or/and police involvement.

Who to speak to about this?

All staff in the academy are available to speak to by parents or students but the following members of staff need to be made aware by students, staff or parents/carer of any incidents:

Year 7 – Mrs N Boylan (Head of Year), Mr R Hughes (Achievement Leader)
Year 8 – Mrs Owen (Head of Year), Miss Flynn (Achievement Leader)
Year 9 - Mrs Ryder (Head of Year), Miss Lithgow (Achievement Leader)
Year 10 – Mrs Bibby (Head of Year), Mr Tootle (Achievement Leader)
Year 11 – Mr A Friar (Head of Year), Mr A Cawley (Achievement Leader) 

Sixth Form - Mr D Hughes (Assistant Director of Sixth Form), Mrs Alkarafi (Director of Sixth Form)

Mrs G Potter (Senior Safeguarding Officer), Miss K Beales (Safeguarding Officer) and Mr Willerton (Principal) will be made aware of any incidents to track the impact of any actions taken.

All staff at the Academy will deal with bullying and abuse issues but if anyone within The Sutton Academy community (students, staff, parents/carers) do not feel they are being listened to or the issues are being addressed please contact Ms G Medare or Mr P Willerton (Principal) directly.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a system to support students and is not for general communications with the academy.

The report bullying and abuse system allows you to make an anonymous report about anything that is troubling you.  This can be personal, for example, you may be having difficulties with schoolwork, friendships or your mental health well-being.  This system can also be used for you to share a concern for someone else.

It is however a good idea to leave your name and/or school email address otherwise it may be very difficult for us to help.  Please be aware that this system does not provide any way of replying to your message or tracing you, if you don't leave any contact details.

All reports will be taken seriously and a member of the Safeguarding team will respond to your message ASAP.

You can get in touch by simply emailing the above address.

This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen SUFFERING.

Remember that we are always willing to listen to you and respond to how you are feeling.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a system to support students and is not a general communication.