Reverse Advent Calendar

Will you bring festive cheer to vulnerable people this year?
Take part in our Reverse Advent Calendar to collect and donate vital items for people experiencing extreme hardship in our local community.
It is a simple concept.
In the run up to Christmas, we would like each tutor group try to fill a cardboard box with all kinds of things that men, women and children in St Helens urgently need.
Suggested donations include
- Unwrapped gifts suitable for all age groups, including books, DVDs, games, colouring books (for children and adults), jigsaws etc
- Unopened toiletries for men and women (such as body wash, moisturiser, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, alcohol-free mouth wash, toothbrushes, perfume, make up bags etc)
- Warm clothing (new or good quality second hand) such as gloves, scarves, hats, socks. Or if you’re feeling really generous pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers
- Decorative ornaments, to make a house a home
- No food, alcohol or toy weapons please.
Please don’t wrap the donations but feel free to include gift bag/s if you’d like to.
If each student in every tutor group could bring in at least one item during advent we could make a massive difference to the lives of many people in our local community.
Thank you in advance.