Mental Health Advice

Mental health is a real and important issue.
Mental health is a real and important issue; many young people will be struggling to the extent where they are becoming mentally unwell. This is a frightening time not only for them, but also for their friends and family.
If any young person is struggling with their mental health, it is vital that either they, or yourselves as parents, feel able to talk about your worries. As a Local Authority, a vital part of our service, is ensuring that the right support is provided for anyone who may be suffering with their mental health.
Many students will wish to talk with their parents about recent incidents. I encourage you to let your son/daughter know that you are aware of these incidents and that you will listen to their concerns at any time they wish to share them. Staying connected and engaged with your son/daughter is one of the best ways to support them. Two important messages to promote are that all of us should seek help from others when we feel down or vulnerable and that young people should tell a trusted adult if they are worried about a friend or themselves expressing suicidal thoughts. If your son/daughter is already using the services of a mental health professional, you should ensure this information is passed on to that professional.
We therefore plead with all our young people and parents, if you are struggling in any way, please seek support. This could be from your GP, or a member of staff or alternatively, there are a range of services specially placed to support young people and families (see below).
# Grow Your Happy
- Recommended by St Helens Youth Council for all young people in St Helens.
- Contains all local support services including Kooth an online mental well-being community.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - also known as CAMHS work with young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties, and their families.
- St Helens Its Ok to Ask ( promote the Home - Calm Harm App (12+years).
- Free 24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis Selfharm ( YM to 85258
- Papyrus HOPELINEUK | Papyrus UK | Suicide Prevention Charity ( 0800 0684141 is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide and self-harm. Also offers support for anyone supporting (parents and teachers) a young person who could be thinking about suicide.
- Papyrus guide which offers practical and professional advice to parents and carers who are supporting a young person experiencing thoughts of suicide or self-harm: for-Parents.pdf
- StayAlive app is a suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis (12+years).
- St Helens Wellbeing Service provides virtual mental health, suicide prevention and well-being training sessions tailored to the needs of the school community.
Additionally, please contact your child’s Head of Year or the academy Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead Mrs Potter for further information or if you have any concerns about your child.
Mental health, self-harm and suicide are always a difficult topic to talk about, however by having these conversations, we can keep people safe.
Thank you, and remember, as difficult as things may seem, you are surrounded by people who care and are there to support you.