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Meet The Russell Group

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As students prepare to make decisions about their post 18 education choices we would like to inform you about a fantastic opportunity regarding Russell Group university applications. 

The Russell Group in conjunction with UK University Search are running a series of free webinars. Taking place from the 29th April – 1st May, there are five 90-minute sessions each featuring four or five expert panellists who will offer clear, impartial guidance for students looking at taking the next step in their educational journey. 

We will be joined by 18 members of the Russell Group, including: Cambridge, LSE, Kings, Bristol, Durham, Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, UCL and Cardiff.

During each session the Q&A function will be available for students to ask specific questions and receive further information. 

Each webinar will be recorded so students and parents should register if they would like to be emailed access after the session.

The schedule is as follows: 

Day 1 - 29th April

  • 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: An Introduction to the Russell Group and Why Choose to Study There?
  • 4:30 PM –  6PM: Student life at University

Day 2 - 30th April

  • 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Considering clinical and health professions 9:00 to 10:30

Day 3 - 1st May

  • 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: Researching University Options
  • 4:30 PM – 6 PM: Personal Statements and Applying to a Russell Group University

All times shown are UK/BST.

To register for a place students and parents simply need to sign up on the UK University Search website –

If you have any follow up questions you can email