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PSHE stands for personal, social, health and economics education. It is a statutory subject in which students are taught a wide range of topics including bullying, online safety and relationships. 

Through our delivery of PSHE, we hope to equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their lives and thrive as both individuals and members of society now and in the future.

At The Sutton Academy, PSHE is taught fortnightly, on a rolling program. Students are taught by their form tutor for these lessons and are therefore able to develop positive relationships, which allow for open discussion, debate and questions in the classroom. Topics are taught in an age appropriate and sensitive manner. 


As part of our Careers and Aspirations provision, all students cover Careers and Aspirations content during selected PSHE lessons. All lessons are relevant to our students' needs and sequenced to support their careers learning. Sessions include a range of careers advice and guidance including transferable skills development, options advice and information about further destinations. 


A number of PSHE sessions are dedicated to Citizenship lessons. Citizenship education develops the knowledge, skills and understanding that our students need to play a full and active role in society as responsible citizens. Students will learn about politics, parliament and voting as well as human rights, justice, the law and the economy.

If you have any questions about any of the lessons, or would like to discuss the content further, please e-mail

Year 7 PSHE 

Relationships and Sex Education
Date Theme Year 7 
Monday 9 September What is PSHE?

Baseline/What is PSHE?

Tuesday 24 September Building Healthy Relationships Building Positive Relationships
Wednesday 9 October Bullying and Control What is Bullying?
Thursday 24 October The Human Body Understanding Our Bodies 1
Friday 15 November My Relationship with Myself  Understanding Our Bodies 2
Monday 25 November  Consent  Puberty 1
Tuesday 10 December Looking After Me Puberty 2
 Health & Wellbeing
Date Theme Year 7
Wednesday 8 January Harmful Behaviours Smoking and Vaping
Thursday 23 January Well-Being Racism and Inappropriate Language
Friday 7 February Street Safety Disordered Eating
Monday 24 February Careers Week Careers
Tuesday 11 March Understanding Myself Consent and Safe Behaviour
Wednesday 26 March Looking After Those Around Me  First Aid
Living in the Wider World
Date Theme Year 7
Thursday 24 April Citizenship Citizenship: Introduction and Baseline
Friday 9 May Community Values Mindfulness and Wellbeing
Monday 19 May Looking After Myself 2 Human Reproduction
Tuesday 10 June Pride Month Pride
Wednesday 25 June Making Positive Choices Careers
Thursday 10 July Staying Safe  Assessing Risky Behaviour

Year 8 PSHE 

Relationships and Sex Education
Date Theme Year 8
Monday 9 September What is PSHE?

Baseline/What is PSHE?

Tuesday 24 September Building Healthy Relationships Bullying or Banter?
Wednesday 9 October Bullying and Control Respectful Relationships
Thursday 24 October The Human Body Vaccination
Friday 15 November My Relationship with Myself  A Healthy Me
Monday 25 November  Consent  Consent and Sexual Relationships 
Tuesday 10 December Looking After Me Self Harm
 Health & Wellbeing
Date Theme Year 8
Wednesday 8 January Harmful Behaviours Drugs and Alcohol in the UK
Thursday 23 January Well-Being Avoiding Gambling
Friday 7 February Street Safety Respect and Tolerance
Monday 24 February Careers Week Careers
Tuesday 11 March Understanding Myself Neuro-Diversity
Wednesday 26 March Looking After Those Around Me  Citizenship: Voting and Democracy
Living in the Wider World
Date Theme Year 8
Thursday 24 April Citizenship Money Management
Friday 9 May Community Values The Black Lives Matter Movement
Monday 19 May Looking After Myself 2 Self-Esteem and Social Media
Tuesday 10 June Pride Month Pride
Wednesday 25 June Making Positive Choices Careers
Thursday 10 July Staying Safe  Safe Behaviour

Year 9 PSHE 

Relationships and Sex Education
Date Theme Year 9 
Monday 9 September What is PSHE?

Baseline/Expectations/What is PSHE?

Tuesday 24 September Building Healthy Relationships Ensuring your relationship is positive
Wednesday 9 October Bullying and Control Image Based Abuse
Thursday 24 October The Human Body Sexual Health
Friday 15 November My Relationship with Myself  Reframing Negative Thinking
Monday 25 November  Consent  Consent: Avoiding Assumptions
Tuesday 10 December Looking After Me Strategies to Improve Mental Wellbeing
 Health & Wellbeing
Date Theme Year 9
Wednesday 8 January Harmful Behaviours Drugs and Alcohol - County Lines
Thursday 23 January Well-Being Serious Youth Violence (No more knives)
Friday 7 February Street Safety Careers
Monday 24 February Careers Week Careers
Tuesday 11 March Understanding Myself Relationships and the Media
Wednesday 26 March Looking After Those Around Me  First Aid
Living in the Wider World
Date Theme Year 9
Thursday 24 April Citizenship Citizenship: Criminal Justice 1
Friday 9 May Community Values Human Trafficking
Monday 19 May Looking After Myself 2 Contraception
Tuesday 10 June Pride Month Pride
Wednesday 25 June Making Positive Choices Citizenship: Criminal Justice 2
Thursday 10 July Staying Safe  FGM: My Body My Rules

Year 10 PSHE 

Relationships and Sex Education
Date Theme Year 10
Monday 9 September What is PSHE?

Baseline/Expectations/What is PSHE?

Tuesday 24 September Building Healthy Relationships Respectful Relationships
Wednesday 9 October Bullying and Control Types of Marriage
Thursday 24 October The Human Body Fertility and Parenting
Friday 15 November My Relationship with Myself  Body Modifications
Monday 25 November  Consent  Consent and Pornography
Tuesday 10 December Looking After Me Self Esteem
 Health & Wellbeing
Date Theme Year 10
Wednesday 8 January Harmful Behaviours Avoiding Toxic Behaviour
Thursday 23 January Well-Being Vaping
Friday 7 February Street Safety Street Safety
Monday 24 February Careers Week Careers
Tuesday 11 March Understanding Myself Pregnancy choices and Contraception
Wednesday 26 March Looking After Those Around Me  Extremism
Living in the Wider World
Date Theme Year 10
Thursday 24 April Citizenship Citizenship: How Laws are Made
Friday 9 May Community Values Citizenship: Human Rights
Monday 19 May Looking After Myself 2 Drugs: Ketamine
Tuesday 10 June Pride Month Pride
Wednesday 25 June Making Positive Choices Careers
Thursday 10 July Staying Safe  Domestic Violence

Year 11 PSHE 

Relationships and Sex Education 
Date Theme Year 10
Monday 9 September What is PSHE?

Baseline/Expectations/What is PSHE?

Tuesday 24 September Building Healthy Relationships We Can't Consent
Wednesday 9 October Bullying and Control Types of Control
Thursday 24 October The Human Body Checking for Cancer
Friday 15 November My Relationship with Myself  Mock Exam Week
Monday 25 November  Consent  Male Suicide Prevention
Tuesday 10 December Looking After Me Bereavement and Loss
 Health & Wellbeing
Date Theme Year 10
Wednesday 8 January Harmful Behaviours Serious Youth Violence - Gangs
Thursday 23 January Well-Being Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination
Friday 7 February Street Safety Coping with exams
Monday 24 February Careers Week Careers
Tuesday 11 March Understanding Myself Citizenship: A Right of a Privilege?
Wednesday 26 March Looking After Those Around Me  Careers 2